07 June 2010

Bloody Design

These stuff is surely cool. I would love to have my house with these stuff! It does not scares me as the bloody bun does. So, enjoy!

Bloody bathmat and shower curtain

Bloody bookmark

Bloody Pillow
Bloody Table
Bloody Lamp
Bloody Mug
Bloody Carpet

Woah.. I just loove it!


  1. I love the bloody pillow, simply brilliant. I like your name too! Cheers ;)

  2. nice pic!
    hate blood but love RED!

  3. thanks! I'll post more entry..
    Poison Kagero: I love your name too!
    cik panadol: same here.. I don't really like blood but these design are very-very good!
    Nina Nurziana: geletek la ads aku.. hehe!
